If you really want to climb up the economic ladder, you will need to establish strict financial discipline. If you can't manage $1,000 dollars, it is likely that you won't be able to manage $10,000 dollars. If you find yourself exceeding your budgets, take a look at the Baddie Budget Guide, for guidance on how to create a budget. Or seek financial counseling with me!
Your budget is probably not working because...
1. You are overspending
It is likely that you aren't considering you fun times in your budget. For example. New York State just legalized marijuana use, and individuals can now legally carry 3 ounces of marijuana for recreation. So if your habits include copping an 8th weekly. Throw it in your budget.
2. It's not realistic
A lot of clients spend a major part of their budget on food. And their immediate solution is that they will entirely stop eating out. Realistically is that possible? Well, if you're a mom like me that utilizes ordering out occasionally, then it's probably not. Dining out just opened, are you really going to resist hanging out? Budgets have to be real. Spend within your means of course, but also spend according to your lifestyle.
3. You don't have goals
It is much easier to budget when there is an intention. A home buying goal, or a new car goal, are both reasons to budget and save. If you have an excess amount of money left over every paycheck and have no plans with it, you'll likely spend it. Create a goal to save for every dollar! It can even just be emergency savings.
4. Your willpower is weak
Your budget may not be working because you are an impulse buyer. You can fix this by telling yourself no. You have new shoes already, so you don't need another pair. You don't need to keep up with everyone else. Your money will grow with this mindset and in time you will be able to participate in flex culture. Right now is just not the time. Be strict and grind!
Solution: Start from scratch, do a new budget include everything from hair, nails, shoes, subscriptions, rent, car note, student loan payments, credit card repayments, wine, and of course that 8th! This should work this time!
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